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Welcome to Safe Haven Wills

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Whatever your reasons for visiting today, welcome. I hope you that will find some or all of the answers to any questions you may have about Wills and Powers of Attorney here.

Going through life we all come to realise that nothing is ever really predictable. But, whatever happens, Wills, Will Trusts and Powers of Attorney give us the opportunity to plan for both expected and unexpected happenings. We can have some control over the outcome of both by using Wills, Will Trusts and Powers of Attorney to achieve this.

When is the right time to think about writing a Will or giving a Power of Attorney

Since you are here, I suspect something has prompted you to think about the future. Whatever that may be, it really is now that is the best time to begin to turn thoughts into actions.

A final thought

You do not have to make a Will or give Power of Attorney to people you trust, you can always let the stranger you have never met make decisions for you.

When you go to explore the rest of the site you may notice there is not a list of reasons anywhere, why you should make a Will or give a Power of Attorney. This has already been done by others countless times and no doubt the list is still incomplete. However, the list of reasons why you should not make a Will or give a Power of Attorney is amazingly short. As there are NO valid reasons not to do so.

Where to go from here

Please explore the site and use the Contact Gerry option to get in touch if you wish to know more. There is no cost or obligation on you and if after an initial meeting you do not wish to progress further then that will be the end of our contact.