Gerry and Safe Haven Wills
I am Gerry Barber, a freelance NALP Paralegal and an accredited member of The Society of Will Writers. I own and operate Safe Haven Wills completely independently.
After a long career as an operations director in the computer industry, retirement was beckoning so why did I become a Paralegal and begin to write Wills? My outlook on life changed forever because of a sad and traumatic family tragedy. The question of ‘What if’ was never asked because no one ever wants to ask it let alone answer it. The consequences of not doing so meant that we all suffered. So, I now spend my time trying to help others avoid what life put my family through.
My Services and clients
I provide professional Wills, Will Trusts and Power of Attorney services. Each begins with a no obligation meeting, at your convenience in your own home. Everyone is different which, apart from making my life very interesting, gives me a wealth of experience from which to draw on. For you, this means that each Will and Power of Attorney will be unique to you, the person I am working for.
My clients, from all walks of life, usually come through personal recommendation. An easy going and down-to-earth approach generates a good atmosphere where all options can be discussed. The outcome for you is a Will that is easily understood and which really does protect your legacy.
Currently my area is the Nottinghamshire to Hertfordshire corridor and new recommendations will see this area expanding in the future.
Where to go from here
Please explore the site and use the Contact Gerry option to get in touch. There is no cost or obligation on you and if after an initial meeting you do not wish to progress further then that will be the end of our contact.