What is a Power of Attorney
A Power of Attorney is the permission you give to people you trust to act on your behalf in various circumstances. The donor gives the power to an attorney.
There are different types of POA; they can be Lasting, Enduring, General or Limited. Each type has a specific purpose that gives powers to an attorney to act for the donor as circumstances require.
Why there are different types of Power of Attorney
Different types of POA allow the donor to chose the extent of the authority they want to give to their attorney. Some POA’s can be temporary to cover for an extended period of absence or illness when the donor cannot act for themselves. Or it maybe that the POA will be required to last for the donor’s lifetime.
Any type of POA is dependent on your perceived mental capacity to act. Some POA’s cease to be valid if you lose mental capacity to act for yourself. Other POA’s remain valid and allow your attorneys to act for you in such circumstances.
The different types of POA
The following links will take you to pages where you will find more detail about the different types of POA.
Ordinary (General) Power of Attorney
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